Old vintage green books, industrial lighting, and vessels are akin to art when used sparingly.  Just, place one or two items in a room for instant character and charm.

 Product images below via 1stdibs


green vintage task lamp

a card file doubling as wine storage is set with a green vintage task lamp and fan. | photography:  DesignSponge

 articulating desk lamp, $695|dog fork|via a merry mishap


 Vintage green industrial pendant light, $280| 360volt|via brightbazaar

Authentic factory lights can make such a stunning statement as the focal point over an island or table in a sleek modern kitchen, or even as the primary lighting over a workbench multi-tasking as a dining table. 


Large demi john, $475|rubybeets|via designsponge

Love demi john’s for containing everything from tall stem bouquets, white candles, or caged lighting.

green-glass-vesselsFrench green glass vessels, $175 each|The Golden Triangle | qing dynasty tea pot, $475|michael del piero

vintage-french-jarsFrench storage jars, $265 each|english country antiques

grouped together a collection of these beauties on a mantle or a sofa table either empty or with pale green hydrangeas would make an eye-catching display. A single jar placed on a vintage stool next to a comfy chair would be enticing as well.


19th C French pale green paper back books, $150 english country antiques|via residence

books are back in vogue as decorative accessories….vintage books are naturally aged and offer authentic beauty

sunburst-mirror-ikat-pillowSunburst iron plough mirrors, $500|cosmo|waterfront hotel | Green silk ikat pillow,$250|nathan turner


Vintage soda bottles, $200|ma(i)sonry|workstead.com

Re-think decanting a favorite scented hand wash at the kitchen sink or place on an entry console as a collection of historical art.