Whether you are an allergy sufferer or simply want a fab vacuum free rug like no other, painted concrete rugs offer the beauty with low maintenance. Living with concrete floors is not for the faint of heart. However, if you love the industrial look as well as a home that doesn’t look like your neighbor’s and can splurge for a great pair of comfy slippers to combat cold floors, painted concrete rugs can help you achieve the look you’re striving for inexpensively. This relatively easy DIY is a low-cost alternative if you have the proper floor paint, a set of knee pads and the patience to see the job through.

painted concrete rugs

(l) Painted geometric concrete floor & clothespin mobile | via Designspiration SK (r) Painted workshop floor of De Leon & Primmer Architecture | via Decor8

painted concrete rugsFree hand painted rug |Villa Stoor, home of Swedish photographer and interior decorator, Maliin Stoor | photo:  Maliin Stoor via Qreate

painted concrete rug(l) Painted concrete rug in renovated barn | via Vartnyahem (r) Graphic concrete rug via French By Design

painted concrete rug(l) Painted concrete rug in renovated barn | via Vartnyahem (r) Stenciled Concrete|via Homelife

painted concrete rugConcrete Ethnic Tribal Patterns via Design Work Life

painted concrete rugCamel Bone Weaved Moroccan Stencil featured in Peacock Pavillions boutique hotel in Marrakesh | Decorative Artist and stencil designer:  Melanie Royals of Royal Design Studio | photo via Bob Vila.  Find more inspiration for painting with stencils in Maryam Montague’s book, Marrakesh Design: Decorating with All the Colors, Patterns and Magic of Morocco (Artisan; 2012).